Hello good readers! The following is a blog post within a blog. Let me take just 1 moment to explain how you can win a pretty cool contest, just by clicking 3 times! Kim and Brian sold everything they own in order to live life on the road, in the air, on the water, in the mountains and wherever their journey, around the world, takes them. Recently, Kim and I connected via the internet (don't ya just love technology?). She writes a great travel blog about their life on the road, check it out here: www.so-many-places.com. If you click on the link to Kim's blog, you'll see the following guest post I wrote for her blog and the contest we are offering. So, I'm thinking you should enter the contest because really, what have you go to lose? And we made it super easy! Read on, please!
~ From Kim's blog ~
Win A Free Night at Abigail’s B&B in Ashland, Oregon
note: From time to time I accept guests posts from great small
businesses. Below is a guest post by Patti, owner of Abigail’s B & B
in Ashland, Oregon. Enter to win a one-night stay at Abigail’s B & B and two tickets to a local wine tasting. See below for details.
The Personal Side of Lodging
Checking into a bed and breakfast is
synonymous with visiting Ashland, OR as there are approximately 40+ Bed
& Breakfast inns located in and around Ashland. Many repeat
visitors to Ashland have their favorite inn at which to stay and some
visitors switch between two or three favorites rotating through their
annual visits.

Abigail’s B &B in Ashland, Oregon- a favorite B & B in Ashland
Never stayed at a B&B? No worries.
Gone are the days of the inn and guest rooms looking (and feeling) like
a page out of great-grandma’s scrapbook. Many of today’s B&B’s
offer complimentary WiFi, flat screen televisions, a computer desk for
guest use and many other upgraded amenities such as individually
climate-controlled rooms with luxurious bedding and private bathrooms.
And you won’t find a vending machine at a B&B! Instead you’ll most
often find something homemade and deliciously yummy offered to you in
the afternoon with a cup of tea or other beverage of your choice. Remember, it’s called a Bed & Breakfast
for a reason. Aside from the comfort of the rooms there is the
breakfast and innkeepers pride themselves on their breakfast service,
quite often offering a 2-course gourmet meal. Are you allergic to
peanuts or you’re a vegetarian? Just let the innkeeper know at the time
of booking your room and they’re more than willing to accommodate food
allergies and/or dietary restrictions. It’s all about the personal side
of lodging!

Hospitality rules at Abigail’s B & B
If all of this sounds great, but you’re
a little on the shy side, or you’re looking for some quiet time, no
worries there either. A good innkeeper is in tune with his/her guests
and they know within a few moments of meeting which guests want to
engage in conversation and a bit of witty repartee, and who’s
comfortable with just a good-morning smile.
What makes a Bed & Breakfast
experience special is the level of personal service, the historical
significance of the home, the unique charm of the guest suites and of
course, the breakfast! Guests linger long after breakfast chatting and
laughing with each other, having just met an hour earlier. The feeling
of comfort and safety in a home away from home is what the personal side
of lodging is all about. When a guest leaves a B&B there are often
kind words of gratitude, the exchange of addresses between guests and
the exchange of big hugs with the innkeeper and a “See you next year!”
When was the last time you hugged the desk clerk at your favorite hotel?

A beautiful summer day at Abigail’s B & B in Ashland, Oregon
Win a free night at Abigail’s
Patti, the owner of Abigail’s, is
giving away a one-night stay at Abigail’s B & B and two free tickets
to a wine tasting! To enter simply like Abigail’s B & B Facebook page and So Many Places Facebook page
and leave a comment letting us know you’ve done so. Winners will
be selected in a random drawing on Monday, August 13th, 2012. The 1-night stay is offered any day of the week September – October 2012 or March – April 2013 (subject to availability).
To enter the contest: "like" Abigail's FB page, "like" So Many Places FB page then leave a comment ON KIM'S BLOG, stating that you have liked both pages. That's all there is to it. Kim will draw the winning name on Monday, August 13!
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