Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Umpqua Scenic Byway - Stops #3, 4, and 5

There is no way we could travel Hwy 62 and not make a stop (#3) at Beckie's Cafe.  If you're a follower of this blog, you know about Beckie's.  This time though, we were ready for lunch and so we took a big step beyond ordering pie and we sat ourselves down in a cozy wooden booth and ordered burgers, salad and fries.  Yum-o!  Yes, of course we ordered pie to go. Silly question. Huckleberry Pie, which was amazing!

I also took just a moment to take a seat in what I believe must have been Paul Bunyan's chair.  Getting in was easy, just slide back.  Getting out, well, that took a helpful hand!

Paul Bunyan's chair!
Moving on down the road we witnessed the Pacific Northwest at it's most stunning!  We started to see this incredibly HUGE mountain in front of us. I don't believe we've ever seen such a sight!  Take a look at Mt. Theilsen! Stop #4.

Elevation - 9,184 ft.
Stopped erupting 250,000 years ago.

And in the same vicinity is Diamond Lake, stop #5, which looked beautiful from our roadside viewing area.  Because it was getting late in the afternoon and we wanted to make a couple of more "must see" stops, we opted not to drive down to the shores of Diamond Lake.  We will return another day.

Diamond Lake

Next up, stop #6 at Watson Falls!

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